Grantee Directory
Our grantees are our community partners; as New York City’s most effective poverty-fighting nonprofits, they have boots on the ground to create scalable solutions, strengthen communities, and make a lasting impact.
Grantee community partner organizations across NYC's five boroughs
Invested in NYC's most innovative poverty-fighting solutions in 2023
New Yorkers living in poverty
Grants Directory
(353)This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.
This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.
Center for Justice Innovation
To provide career readiness, job training and placement services, as well as G.E.D. preparation and wraparound supports to at-risk and justice-involved youth.
Grant amount: $375,000
Center for Justice Innovation
To provide youth involved in the criminal justice system an alternative-to-incarceration program that includes case management, counseling and drug prevention with the goal of reducing the number of young people reconvicted of a crime to no more than 10 ...
Grant amount: $700,000
Center for New York City Affairs at the New School
To provide rapid turnaround fiscal policy analyses of New York City and State budgets, as pertain to Robin Hood’s policy priorities and to provide targeted research and fiscal analysis in support of Robin Hood-funded worker justice campaigns.
Grant amount: $600,000
Center for New York City Affairs at the New School
To conduct a field-participatory-action research project focused on Family-based Child Care (FCC) providers to better understand which business models are viable and sustainable and develop new legislative and administrative policy solutions that will st...
Grant amount: $550,000
Center for Public Research and Leadership
To expand and measure promising school-family engagement strategies that strengthen blended literacy and computational thinking, and build on training and toolkit resources that increase the capacity of nonprofits.
Grant amount: $500,000
Center for Urban Community Services
To increase the number of individuals and families that enroll in benefits, such as food and nutrition assistance, housing supports, income supports, and health-care programs.
Grant amount: $900,000
Center for Urban Community Services
To provide homeless and formerly homeless individuals with psychiatric and medical care.
Grant amount: $550,000
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
To provide general operating support to the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities (the Center), which is committed to developing nonpartisan research to advance support for key poverty-fighting federal policy issues related to housing, refundable tax cred...
Grant amount: $600,000
Central Queens Academy Charter School
To support Central Queens Academy's expansion, starting with kindergarten and first-grade students in August 2024 and ultimately serving 1,800 K-8 students in total and replicating its high-performing model in a diverse, underserved community.
Grant amount: $325,000
Chances for Children - NY
To provide general operating support to support the parents and caregivers of 0-3-year-olds in New York City.
Grant amount: $1,000,000
Chapin Hall Center for Children
To support the social services and case management component of an unconditional direct cash transfer program intended to reduce youth homelessness.
Grant amount: $336,000
Chapin Hall Center for Children
To extend the evaluation period of an unconditional direct cash transfer program intended to reduce youth homelessness from months to months.
Grant amount: $160,000
Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, Inc.
To continue support for Chinese immigrant and Chinese American families at three federally qualified health centers across Chinatown and Flushing through an “enhanced” HealthySteps.
Grant amount: $900,000
Child Mind Institute
To implement a literacy tutoring program targeting first- and second-grade students in schools.
Grant amount: $150,000
Children's Aid
To provide comprehensive academic, health and mental health services to children and youth across Children’s Aid’s network of 19 community schools so that students have the support needed to prepare them for high school graduation and post-secondary succ...
Grant amount: $1,500,000
Children's Aid
To continue promoting social-emotional outcomes of children ages zero to five and increasing the quality of licensed child-care settings using the IT-CHILD assessment tool and its related Infant/Early Childhood mental health consultation program.
Grant amount: $550,000
Children's Health Fund
To improve the mental health and well-being of adults and children in the Bronx including child asylum seekers.
Grant amount: $730,000
Children's Museum of Manhattan
To install and implement Baby Brain Building Hubs, museum-quality installations for children and an accompanying parenting education model at two family shelters serving over 400 infants/toddlers.
Grant amount: $270,000
Children's Museum of Manhattan
To continue support for a family visitation program at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan between children and their mothers and fathers who are in custody at Rikers Island.
Grant amount: $375,000
Chinese American Planning Council
To promote social-emotional outcomes of children ages zero to five by increasing the quality of home-based licensed child-care settings through mental health consultation using the IT-CHILD assessment tool, and its related Infant/Early Childhood Mental H...
Grant amount: $60,000
Chinese American Planning Council
To increase the number of individuals and families that enroll in benefits, such as food and nutrition assistance, housing supports, income supports, and health-care programs.
Grant amount: $400,000
Chinese American Planning Council
To provide intensive one-on-one counseling and additional support to help low-income, predominately A.A.P.I. and Latinx young adults to enroll, persist in and graduate from college.
Grant amount: $400,000
Chinese American Planning Council
To expand Undo Poverty: Flushing Collaborative’s narrative change campaign through the wider distribution of the “Cost of Living” documentary and community-led discussions that accompany the screenings to shift perceptions of poverty in the Flushing comm...
Grant amount: $110,000
Citizens Housing and Planning Council of New York, Inc.
To support research and technical assistance activities aimed at preserving public housing and operationalizing new resident decision-making requirements.
Grant amount: $261,250
Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York
To influence policy and budget decisions aimed at reducing disparities that negatively impact New York City parents and their children across the areas of housing, childcare, health, and economic mobility.
Grant amount: $500,000
City Harvest
To distribute 81 million pounds of food to 400 food pantries and soup kitchens in New York City.
Grant amount: $750,000
City Limits
Support City Limits’ reporting on New York’s housing and homelessness crisis, with a focus on how policy decisions impact the lives of the city’s most vulnerable populations.
Grant amount: $125,000