Grantee Directory

Our grantees are our community partners; as New York City’s most effective poverty-fighting nonprofits, they have boots on the ground to create scalable solutions, strengthen communities, and make a lasting impact.


Grantee community partner organizations across NYC's five boroughs



Invested in NYC's most innovative poverty-fighting solutions in 2023



New Yorkers living in poverty

Grants Directory


This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.

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This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.

Fund for New York City Public Schools

To support the project management and professional learning needed to implement NYC Reads, a citywide initiative to roll out high-quality curriculum and teacher training to ensure that all kindergarten to fifth-grade students learn to read.

Grant amount: $1,186,000

Fund for New York City Public Schools

To evolve the citywide K-12 computing initiative led by New York City Public Schools to ensure all students increase academic proficiency and computational fluency, graduating ready for college and career success by 2030.

Grant amount: $500,000

Fund for Public Health in New York

To provide training for child care providers on developmental screening and coaching on Early Intervention assessments to support children’s achievement of developmental milestones, thereby improving the quality of child care.

Grant amount: $1,440,000

Fund for Public Health in New York

To promote equity in access to Early Intervention services in communities with the lowest rates of referrals and build sustainability and replicability of a new referral and service uptake system that provides timely information about children’s progress...

Grant amount: $1,860,000

Fund for Public Health in New York

To expand, strengthen and sustain school-based mental health services for public school students by supporting telehealth services and providing technical assistance for community-based providers.

Grant amount: $750,000

Future Now at Bronx Community College

To help disconnected youth aged 17 to 24 per year earn their high school equivalency (H.S.E.) diploma and enroll in community college, and to provide follow-up support to increase the chances that these young adults graduate.

Grant amount: $930,000


To build customizable apps for community organizations, enabling members to connect with essential resources, events, and support networks efficiently.

Grant amount: $40,000

Getting Out and Staying Out

To help prevent youth involved in the criminal justice system from returning to incarceration.

Grant amount: $250,000

GO Project

To provide academic and social-emotional skill development to low-income elementary and middle school students through outside of school and summer programming.

Grant amount: $225,000

Good Shepherd Services

To increase the number of individuals and families that enroll in benefits, such as food and nutrition assistance, housing supports, income supports, and health-care programs.

Grant amount: $900,000

Good Shepherd Services

To support the LifeLink program, which helps low-performing high school seniors and G.E.D. certificate holders enter and stay in community college.

Grant amount: $525,000

Good Shepherd Services

To build out a Career Development and Occupational Studies credential pathway and provide students with aligned work-based learning experiences that support them earning a high school diploma.

Grant amount: $1,100,000

Good Shepherd Services

To provide supportive services to transfer school youth to earn their high school diploma and to leave high school prepared for postsecondary success.

Grant amount: $125,000

Grand Street Settlement

To improve upon and ensure strong mental health and social-emotional environments in all Grand Street Settlement child-care sites by using the CHILD/IT-CHILD assessment tool and its related Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation program and ma...

Grant amount: $412,000

Grow Brooklyn

To increase the number of individuals and families that receive income supports, primarily tax refunds and credits.

Grant amount: $75,000

Haitian Americans United for Progress

To provide comprehensive case management and community-based programs that address the needs of newly arrived migrants in New York City, facilitating their access to employment, education and supportive services.

Grant amount: $150,000

Healing Schools Project

To support the implementation of Healing Schools Project’s program model, which focuses on improving teacher well-being, and therefore job satisfaction and retention, across six schools in the Bronx and Queens.

Grant amount: $300,000


To support the integration of community health workers trained in early childhood development into community pediatric practices serving low-income families.

Grant amount: $280,000

Heat Seek

To help tenants resolve their home heating issues by providing the objective, reliable temperature data they need to expose the problem and hold their landlords accountable.

Grant amount: $30,000

Henry Street Settlement

To increase the number of individuals and families that enroll in benefits, such as food and nutrition assistance, housing supports, income supports, and health-care programs.

Grant amount: $625,000

Henry Street Settlement

To provide contextualized English instruction and job placement services to at least 200 immigrants and to provide academic and socioemotional support for children in clients’ households.

Grant amount: $225,000

Henry Street Settlement

To provide comprehensive case management services, access to public entitlements, and critical information and referrals to help recently arrived migrants to New York City stabilize and thrive.

Grant amount: $230,000

Herbert H. Lehman College Foundation

To support Lehman College’s Learning Recovery program designed to address the ongoing pandemic-induced learning loss and trauma experienced by its incoming first-year class in Fall 2024.

Grant amount: $600,000


To provide payroll solutions that enable non-office workers to access government-sponsored pre-tax benefits while expanding the company’s marketing and sales efforts.

Grant amount: $250,000

Hot Bread Kitchen

To provide recent migrants and asylum seekers who have Temporary Protected Status with high quality skills training and placement in jobs within the culinary sector.

Grant amount: $400,000

Hour Children, Inc.

To support a doula/neonatal educator at the infant nursery in Bedford Hills Correctional Facility and pilot an updated mental health and case management program for New York City children with incarcerated parents.

Grant amount: $240,000

Housing Rights Initiative

To identify the illegal deregulation of rent-stabilized housing and restore units to the city’s and affordable housing stock.

Grant amount: $205,000