Grantee Directory

Our grantees are our community partners; as New York City’s most effective poverty-fighting nonprofits, they have boots on the ground to create scalable solutions, strengthen communities, and make a lasting impact.


Grantee community partner organizations across NYC's five boroughs



Invested in NYC's most innovative poverty-fighting solutions in 2023



New Yorkers living in poverty

Grants Directory


This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.

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This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.

John Jay College Foundation

To support the John Jay College of Criminal Justice’s Learning Recovery program, designed to address the pandemic-induced learning loss and trauma experienced by its incoming first-year class during the fall of 2024.

Grant amount: $600,000


To connect renters to digital services that will help them address the quality of their housing and/or avoid eviction.

Grant amount: $120,000


To prepare disconnected young adults ages 20 to 26 for customer experience and support roles at tech-enabled companies, and to support recent alumni in job placement and career progression.

Grant amount: $150,000

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center

To pilot a new strategy for addressing the mental health needs of children (age three and younger), families and family child-care providers by reducing access barriers and normalizing mental health care in the community.

Grant amount: $603,000


To support 18 schools, as well as KIPP graduates who are now enrolled in college.

Grant amount: $1,850,000


To expand the whole-school integration of computational thinking and computer science into grades 6-8, building on early positive impact on student achievement from KIPP’s K-5 computational thinking integration.

Grant amount: $268,000

LaGuardia Community College

To support Credit for Prior Learning, which awards college credits for an individual’s life experience and supports degree completion for New Yorkers with some college credits.

Grant amount: $400,000

Lawyers For Children

To provide legal representation and social work services for adolescents and young adults who are in or aging out of foster care.

Grant amount: $1,080,000

Leading Educators

To support the integration of technology and blended learning practices into Leading Educators’ educator high-quality training model aligned to curriculum as part of the NYC Reads initiative.

Grant amount: $400,000

Leap Fund

To expand the benefits cliffs calculator program, explore and secure strategic partnerships to extend the reach of Leap Fund's work and proven pilots (employer initiatives, data & storytelling initiatives).

Grant amount: $200,000


To support Learnyx building an AI-powered reading platform that aims to personalize learning for students.

Grant amount: $60,000


To support Learnyx's mission offering an AI-powered reading platform that aims to personalize learning for K-12 students, focusing on enhancing reading skills at various levels. This initiative is directly related to the School-Age Children portfolio, es...

Grant amount: $30,000


To support Letterly's development of a learning intelligence platform that aims to provide every student with a private English tutor.

Grant amount: $60,000

Literacy Academy Collective

To continue facilitation of key New York State decision makers to ensure all teacher preparation and teacher licensure programs are aligned to the Science of Reading.

Grant amount: $75,000


To support Lulo building a transformative online grocery shopping tool designed specifically for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) participants. This platform is expected to significantly enhance the efficiency of WIC

Grant amount: $60,000


To support Lulo's online grocery shopping tool designed specifically for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) participants. This platform significantly enhances the efficiency of WIC benefit utilization, which is crucial for supporting some of the most vul...

Grant amount: $30,000

Lutheran Social Services of New York

To provide essential case management, legal services, education and employment opportunities, and additional wrap around supports for newly arrived migrants and asylum seekers living in Lutheran Social Services of New York’s L.S.S.N.Y. sanctuary hotels

Grant amount: $100,000

Lutheran Social Services of New York

To engage FCC providers with SEL training using evidence-based CHILD intervention

Grant amount: $507,000

Make the Road New York

To increase the number of individuals and families that enroll in benefits, such as food and nutrition assistance, housing supports, income supports, and health-care programs; and to provide legal services to participants requiring housing, immigration, ...

Grant amount: $800,000

Make the Road New York

Supplemental funding to provide support for Make the Road New York’s (M.R.N.Y.) new legal clinic project which will help migrants apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), which grants work authorization and temporary

Grant amount: $50,000

MARC Academy & Family Center, Inc.

To promote relational health through adapting evidence-based use of video feedback to support reflective practice among family child care providers.

Grant amount: $1,142,000

Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City

To support the planning and implementation of a pilot MOMS Partnership model of group cognitive behavioral therapy at the Rose M. Singer women’s jail on Rikers Island.

Grant amount: $330,000

Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City

To fund staff capacity to launch and implement a system redesign intended to expand and improve the quality of child care for year olds.

Grant amount: $847,000

Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City

Provider Assessment/Voucher Utilization: To support critical research to better understand the underutilization of child-care vouchers across New York City.

Grant amount: $200,000

Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City

To help families apply for government-subsidized child care vouchers through the support of community-based organizations with a focus on the highest-need communities.

Grant amount: $2,619,250


To assess the feasibility of evaluating a credit-building intervention in family shelters.

Grant amount: $210,000


To design and explore the feasibility of a Direct Rental Assistance pilot in New York City.

Grant amount: $200,000