Mobility LABs

Mobility Learning and Action Bets (Mobility LABs) is a pioneering initiative focused on empowering and enabling communities to develop solutions that holistically address economic success, power, autonomy, and belonging.

Economic and racial barriers make it difficult for people to access pathways out of poverty—and too often, impacted communities aren’t empowered to create solutions. Mobility Learning and Action Bets (Mobility LABs) is a pioneering initiative focused on empowering and enabling communities to develop solutions that holistically address economic success, power, autonomy, and belonging.

In 2019, Mobility LABs granted nine anchor community partner organizations $125,000 in planning grants to develop a community-designed pilot project addressing impediments to local economic mobility, while also focusing on how to shift the narrative about poverty. Each partner then received $1.58 million dollars over 3 years to implement the project. Mobility LABs is now entering the final year of its four-year initiative. Mobility LABs is a partnership of major donors, including The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Tipping Point Community, and the Gates Foundation, and an anonymous donor.

Our Impact



In funds disbursed by Mobility LABs to date



In additional funds influenced and funneled into anchor partners' communities



Of funding granted for hyper-local community-driven narrative change solutions

Our Strategy

Mobility LABs supports sustainable poverty-fighting solutions by:

Supporting diverse demonstration communities: Mobility LABs anchor partners work in nine geographically diverse communities, including urban, suburban, and rural settings, where Robin Hood and its philanthropic partners have commitments. This multi-faceted diversity allows for us to incubate truly impactful solutions for economic mobility while providing space to incubate and scale solutions in New York City and beyond.

Promoting shared-learning: Establishing, building, and maintaining trust is a foundational precept of Mobility LABs’ approach to working with the communities our anchor partners serve. Periodic convenings create a community of practice amongst the nine anchor partners as a learning cohort, and continuous feedback loops between anchor partners and the Mobility LABs’ team facilitate and sustain trust, allowing the space for collaborative, community-centered priorities, and solutions to be discussed, framed, designed, and executed.

Our Implementation

Year 1

The Year 1 implementation report documents the nine Mobility LABs projects’ activities and impact of those activities in Implementation Year 1 (early 2021 and into 2022). In Year 1, the Mobility LABs anchor partners focused on establishing the foundation for long-term, sustainable economic mobility in their communities. Building from the planning phase, the foundational work included 1) engaging and building relationships with local, trusted, and experienced cross-sector community-based organizations; in many cases, formalizing those relationships into partnerships, and 2) engaging and building relationships and trust with local community residents through various forms of outreach and engagement and through the provision of programs and services to develop skills and meet immediate needs.

Read the Year 1 Report

Year 2

The Year 2 implementation report documents the changes resulting from the community-driven mobility strategies implemented across the nine Mobility LABs projects during Year 2 (spring 2022-spring 2023) of the initiative and reports how communities hope to sustain the work. Findings are based on data collected through 1) a survey of anchor partners (“Learning Tool”) designed to understand strategies and outcomes, and 2) interviews with individuals in each community including anchor partner staff leading the Mobility LABs work, staff members from their partner organizations, and residents involved in work groups, programming, and other activities.

Read the Year 2 Report

Final Report

In this third and final report, we offer key learnings from Robin Hood’s Mobility Learning and Action Bets (Mobility LABs), a five-year initiative advancing community-driven economic mobility. In the final year, the Mobility LABs work continued to expand and refine across the nine diverse communities, always centering trust, collaboration, and resident leadership to create lasting change. This final report highlights essential strategies for sustainable economic mobility, including deep community engagement, centering community voice, shifting power, and the role of philanthropy in supporting grassroots solutions.

Read the Final Report