
A well-paying job is a crucial building block for economic mobility. Without employment, low -income New Yorkers cannot stave off the effects of financial shocks and material hardships, or invest in their futures. Robin Hood supports effective workforce programs that provide skills training and connections to careers.

By the Numbers



The NYC unemployment rate, nearly twice the national average.



Of minimum wage workers, and 68% of low wage workers are Black or Latino



Of New Yorkers do not have enough money in cash or a cash equivalent to cover a $400 emergency expense.

Increased Wages

Increasing the minimum wage and indexing it to inflation; ending sub-minimum wages for tipped workers.

Strengthening the Worker Safety Net

Supporting the creation of an Unemployment Bridge Program to provide unemployment benefits to workers who are ineligible for the federal program.

Family Supportive Policies

Reforming the state’s Temporary Disability Insurance program to ensure job protection for workers taking medical leave and increasing the benefit amount; strengthening and expanding the federal Child Tax Credit and New York’s Empire State Child Credit; increasing access to high-quality, affordable child care.