Grantee Directory

Our grantees are our community partners; as New York City’s most effective poverty-fighting nonprofits, they have boots on the ground to create scalable solutions, strengthen communities, and make a lasting impact.


Grantee community partner organizations across NYC's five boroughs



Invested in NYC's most innovative poverty-fighting solutions in 2023



New Yorkers living in poverty

Grants Directory


This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.

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This directory represents all active grants to our current community partner grantee organizations as of 2024; some organizations will appear more than once in the instances where we have two or more active projects with the same organization.


To improve the federal disability benefits application process using AI, increasing efficiency and accuracy in medical evidence collection.

Grant amount: $30,000


To simplify the federal disability benefits application process by using AI to help individuals collect digital medical records and identify relevant evidence.

Grant amount: $60,000

Coalition for Community Schools Excellence

To preserve and develop more high-quality schools serving low-income students by elevating community voice and ensuring that families and students are represented in school and citywide strategy development.

Grant amount: $300,000

Coalition for the Homeless

To prevent eviction and achieve housing stability, and to provide crisis and ongoing services to homeless and unstably housed households.

Grant amount: $400,000

CollegeBound Initiative

To boost the rate of college matriculation for high school students and to implement a near-peer college advising and persistence program across four-year and two-year colleges.

Grant amount: $580,000

Columbia University Population Research Center

To continue novel research examining the returns on social policy program investments and conduct quick turnaround analysis of antipoverty effects of policy changes.

Grant amount: $595,000

Columbia University Population Research Center

Continue the Poverty Tracker survey of NYC households for 12 months to study income poverty, material hardship, health issues, and disadvantage; analyze families from the original Early Childhood Poverty Tracker with new reports and data linkages.

Grant amount: $114,850

Columbia University Population Research Center

To continue the longitudinal, representative Poverty Tracker survey of New York City households, and to collect and analyze data for continued study of income poverty, material hardship, health problems, and disadvantage; and continue analysis of familie...

Grant amount: $1,885,150


To scale CommonLit’s English Language Arts (E.L.A.) curriculum and leverage artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology to develop new product features that would facilitate greater personalization.

Grant amount: $150,000

Commonpoint Queens

To support at-risk youth in one of two postsecondary pathways: college access and success or sectoral job training.

Grant amount: $400,000

Commonpoint Queens

to support the costs of providing comprehensive case management services to new arrivals who are primarily based in shelters.

Grant amount: $230,000

Communities Resist

To support community-based legal services to prevent eviction and advocacy aimed at preventing the displacement of low-income communities of color in Brooklyn and Queens.

Grant amount: $350,000

Community and Economic Development Association of Cook County

To support a planning process in suburban Cook County, specifically the township of Harvey, to develop community-driven solutions to address mobility gaps.

Grant amount: $125,000

Community Service Society of New York

To continue ongoing advocacy effort to improve and expand CityFHEPS, New York City’s local rental assistance voucher for households at risk of and experiencing homelessness and build the case for a statewide voucher.

Grant amount: $150,000

Comprehensive Youth Development

To provide supportive services to transfer school youth to earn their high school diploma and to leave high school prepared for postsecondary success.

Grant amount: $112,500

Coney Island Prep

To support Coney Island Prep’s elementary, middle and high schools to prepare young people for college access and success.

Grant amount: $750,000

Consortium for Policy Research in Education

To conduct qualitative and quantitative research in to high-poverty New York City schools to evaluate the impact on student literacy achievement of combining a blended and personalized approach with content-rich literacy.

Grant amount: $1,000,000

Consortium for Policy Research in Education

To continue and expand qualitative and quantitative research to include the addition of middle school computational thinking and adolescent literacy and to extend to the new end date of the Fund.

Grant amount: $725,000

Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art

To train low-income immigrants with science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees so that they can be placed in technical jobs that pay more than annually.

Grant amount: $450,000

Cornell Tech

To develop, test and support computational thinking lessons built on Cornell Techs Teacher-in-Residence model to be scaled across New York City as part of the Computer Science for All initiative.

Grant amount: $300,000

Corporation for Supportive Housing

To implement an alternative-to-incarceration housing program for mentally ill individuals.

Grant amount: $450,000


To double the graduation rate of low-income students at CUNY's Lehman College, located in The Bronx.

Grant amount: $715,500


To expand the Accelerate, Complete, Engage (ACE) program at City College of New York, aiming to significantly increase the graduation rate of transfer students.

Grant amount: $656,000

CUNY Office of Careers and Industry Partnerships

To support the City University of New York’s strategy to scale and implement Degree-Career Maps across its undergraduate campuses with the goal of increasing rates of employment, starting salaries and improved job retention for alumni.

Grant amount: $700,000

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation

To help at-risk youth to enroll and stay in college or get and keep a job.

Grant amount: $600,000

Docs for Tots

To train and prepare a workforce of assistant providers serving infants and toddlers in family group child care settings.

Grant amount: $576,000


To support English language learners and special education students through implementing an early literacy curriculum, incorporating social-emotional development into academic learning and strengthening an extended school day model.

Grant amount: $525,000